Conferences & Campaigns

avonThe Avon Breast Cancer Crusade has been working tirelessly to help prevent, treat, and ultimately eradicate this disease since 1992. With more than $780 million raised and donated to breast cancer programs around the world through 2012, Avon is the leading corporate supporter of the cause globally. The Crusade’s life-saving work supports awareness and education, screening and diagnosis, access to care, support services, and scientific research. Beneficiaries range from leading cancer research centers to local, nonprofit breast health programs, creating a powerful international network of research, medical, social service, and community-based breast cancer organizations. Avon Breast Cancer Crusade


avon 207 4.08.15 PMAvon Speak Out Against Domestic Violence is a campaign launched by the Avon Foundation for Women to build awareness, educate, and improve prevention and direct service programs of domestic violence. Through the end of 2012, in the U.S. alone, we have provided more than $33 million for the domestic violence cause. Domestic violence is a pattern of abuse with the goal of establishing or maintaining power and control over the victim. It can happen occasionally or continuously and often worsens over time. Domestic violence includes physical, sexual, mental, and financial abuse. Domestic violence can affect anyone, regardless of income, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or religion. Speak Out 


BCNBreast Cancer Now is a charity that’s steered by world-class research and powered by life-changing support. They’re here for anyone affected by breast cancer, the whole way through, providing support for today and hope for the future. By funding almost 290 of the brightest minds in breast cancer research, they’re discovering how to prevent, help save lives and live well with breast cancer. They’ll always be here for anyone affected by breast cancer. From their Moving Forward courses, Living With Secondary Breast Cancer groups, Helpline, and more, they’re that trusted friend you can turn to for support when you need it most. Breast Cancer Now is determined to make sure anyone affected by breast cancer gets the best possible treatment and care. They’re working side-by-side with hospitals and their patients to improve breast cancer services. Breast Cancer Now


DoveLogo_120x83Dove Campaigns are committed to building positive self-esteem and inspiring all women and girls to reach their full potential—but we need your help. We’re building a movement in which women everywhere have the tools to take action and inspire each other and the girls in their lives. It could be as simple as sending a word of encouragement to a girl in your life or supporting self-esteem education in your town. From mentoring the next generation to celebrating real beauty in ourselves and others, we can open a world of possibilities for women and girls everywhere. The Dove Campaigns


Screenshot 2023-03-19 8.10.40 AMThe Girl Effect is a campaign movement. It’s about leveraging the unique potential of adolescent girls to end poverty for themselves, their families, their communities, their countries, and the world. It’s about making girls visible and changing their social and economic dynamics by providing them with specific, powerful, and relevant resources. Created by the Nike Foundation in collaboration with the NoVo Foundation, United Nations Foundation, and Coalition for Adolescent Girls, the girl effect is fuelled by hundreds of thousands of girl champions who recognise the untapped potential of adolescent girls living in poverty. The Girl Effect


downloadHalf the Sky Movement: Journalists Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn took on this urgent moral challenge in 2009 with their acclaimed best-selling book, Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide (already in its 25th printing in hardback). They encouraged readers all over the world to do the same. Now, a landmark movement — inspired by Kristof and WuDunn’s work and also entitled Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide — is working to amplify the book’s impact. Ignited by a high-profile national television event and fueled by innovative multi-platform initiatives, Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide is galvanizing even more people to join the burgeoning movement for change. Half the Sky


Mothers Acting UpMothers Acting Up (MAU) is a movement of mothers stretching traditional mothering roles to include advocating for the world’s children. MAU’s mission is to mobilize mothers to act on behalf of the world’s children. MAU provides inspiration, education, and tools to take action; you provide passion and commitment. The official MAU Vision statement is (feel free to quote, tweet, or needle point on sofa cushions): We work to create a world that prioritizes and protects the lives of the world’s children. By mobilizing our gigantic political and economic strength we can ensure the health, education and safety of every child, not just a privileged few. This movement doesn’t exist anymore, but their blog is still online. Mothers Acting Up


biaag-logoPlan’s Because I am a Girl campaign aims to support millions of girls to get the education, skills and support they need to transform their lives and the world around them. Supporting girls’ education is one of the single best investments we can make to help end poverty. From raising your hand to sponsoring a girl in a developing country, see how you can get involved and make a lasting difference to girls’ lives.  Because I am a Girl


NMCSNational Multicultural Conference and Summit’s vision is to convene scientists, practitioners, scholars, and students, in psychology and related fields to inform and inspire multicultural theory, research, and practice. Multiculturalism is envisioned as inclusive of experiences related to age, disability, ethnicity, gender, gender identity and expression, indigenous heritage, national origin, race, religion, sexual orientation, social class and socioeconomic status, and other social identities.  Conference and Summit



No MoreThe NO MORE Foundation is dedicated to ending domestic violence and sexual assault by increasing awareness, inspiring action, and fueling cultural change. NO MORE is a groundbreaking, global initiative comprised of the largest coalition of nonprofits, corporations, government agencies, media, schools, and individuals addressing domestic violence and sexual assault. They are committed to engaging, reaching, and working with people from diverse communities. With more than 1,400 allied organizations and over 40 state, local, and international chapters, NO MORE sparks grassroots activism, encouraging everyone—women and men, youth and adults, from all walks of life—to be part of the solution. The foundation has many campaigns like #NoMoreVerbalAbuse, No More Week, Stand up, Don’t stand up, Don’t stand by and more. No More Foundation


zzzWomen Veterans Rock is a 10 year research study of America’s Women Veterans, commissioned by the Healthy Caregiver Community Foundation.  This long-term study will be conducted by the Women Veterans Research Consortium, a newly created division of The Healthy Caregiver Community Foundation.  With the establishment of the Women Veterans Research Consortium, The Foundation has expanded its capacity to conduct extensive focus group studies of women veterans; the children and families of women veterans; the service providers who provide supportive services to women veterans; and to research the emerging trends of caregiving in the families of America’s Women Veterans. This 10 year study examines the challenges, opportunities, and barriers facing America’s Women Veterans as they transition from military service to civilian life. Women Veterans Rock